Light For The City

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Happy Lunar New Year - Year of the Dragon

Happy Lunar New Year — Year of the Dragon — from Macau. This coming Saturday Asia will celebrate the first day of the Spring Festival. Always an exciting time, especially so this year as it is the first time in several years to have a rather normal season of celebration. The city is already decorated, special events have started, and tourists are swelling the already busy streets of Macau. From all appearances, life is back to normal and all is looking up for our city.

However, there was some disquieting and sad news published last week. All is not as good as it appears for people in our city. One day the headline reports that Macau’s suicide rate is higher than world average <>. The next day is a report about the mental health issues facing casino workers <>.

When we look past the glitz and glamour of Macau, there are deep issues and people in great need. We “rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn” and pray for everyone to know renewal through relationship with Jesus. Thank you for praying with us for:

  1. Friends with mental health needs. Many issues add to the stress people feel, only compounding their issues. May the peace of Jesus be their help.

  2. Friends with physical health needs. We have several dear friends dealing with cancer and other issues. May the power of Jesus be their healing.

  3. Friends with family needs. People here wait so long for family members to believe in Jesus. It takes years of lovingly praying for people to see change. May the grace of Jesus be their hope.

We were overjoyed this past week to see a friend’s family member join them for the worship time at church. Hearts and minds are changing, orienting ever more in Jesus’ direction. May the new year bring new life in Macau and around the world.

New Year Decorations on Macau’s Central Post Office.