Back in Macau - 2024.01.23

Hello from Macau. We’ve been back here for two weeks now. We are grateful for your prayers regarding our travel and transition back. Special thanks to Macau friends who picked us up from the Hong Kong Airport, drove us and our luggage to Macau, and helped us haul our bags up the five flights of stairs to our apartment. The welcome back has been delightful. So much love and care expressed for us. We are recovered from jet lag and finding our footing here in the city. These past two weeks have been filled with the warmth of reunion. Such a blessing to see special friends after being away for the past seven months.

Now that we are back in Macau, we are also catching up on the situation here. Some people we care about have been diagnosed with cancer and they are really going through a difficult time. Some people have lost loved ones and are still mourning. Some of our friends have been baptized and some are preparing to be baptized. Many people are doing well and have much gratitude for their lives. It seems obvious to say: Life has gone on. It is this regular aspect of life we are reconnecting with now that we are back, even if our time is limited. So, please pray with us for the following:

  1. Healing for our Friends. Pray with us for our friends with cancer. Treatments are ongoing and they are hopeful. Still, it is a tremendous burden on them and their family. May the Lord give them strength and help.

  2. Help for Guest Workers. One thing we have noticed is the increase in prices for basic goods. This continues to be a source of pressure for Guest Workers. May they find help for daily living in the giver of all good gifts.

  3. Hope for Tomorrow. While good things have been happening in the lives of individuals, the general vibe is not great. There is a current of deep concern for young people and the future. May the people of Macau put their hope in Jesus.

As we pray, we remember this … We are pilgrims on a journey of faith, facing so many questions. We remind ourselves that, “If knowing answers to life's questions is absolutely necessary to you, then forget the journey. You will never make it, for this is a journey of unknowables — of unanswered questions, enigmas, incomprehensibles, and most of all, things unfair.” [Jeanne Guyon (1648-1717), <>]

Thanks to support from the Lord and caring/prayerful friends, we keep on the journey.

Macau preparing for the Spring Festival