Light For The City

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Sitting and Thinking - 2024.02.27

“Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes I just sit. — Winnie the Pooh

Since our last prayer update, Lawrence (I) got to experience a season of being isolated due to COVID-19. I was only symptomatic for a few days, yet continued to test positive for a week longer. We isolated me in our home bedroom while Sarah Leigh provided excellent care from outside. Thankfully, I am all good and she stayed healthy the whole time. During those ten days I had plenty of time to sit, think, and just sit. It turned out to be a blessing. When I wasn’t sitting or thinking I was mostly reading about sitting and thinking, haha! Here’s something I read about the spiritual practice of contemplation:

“Contemplation cleanses the mind and opens the heart to receive God’s truth, beauty, and wisdom. The illusions of life are unmasked, and true vision is possible. Darkness is dispelled, and divine light shines through. The world loses its opaqueness and becomes transparent. Nature is transformed, time is converted, and people are transfigured. God makes all things new.” — Henri J. M. Nouwen in Spiritual Formation p. 13.

As the calendar walks us closer to Spring and the renewal of the Earth in the Northern Hemisphere, we hope you will make some time to contemplate the nature and character of Jesus, to see how Jesus is making all things new.

Please pray for:

  1. Our continued waiting on the Lord’s guidance and provision for our next work location. We are still hoping a job opportunity will open up in Birmingham, UK.

  2. Lawrence who has been invited to teach at the Macau Bible Institute in April and May. He is preparing to teach on Spiritual Formation: one class in Cantonese, one in English. May he have wisdom and clarity of thought.

  3. Our time with Macau friends and contacts. May our ears be sensitive to hear their hearts and our words be Good News to them.

Thank you for your prayerful support. May the Lord bless your days with joy and your nights with peace.

Benches around the Macau Fortress — a nice place to sit and think.